Green OR

Ask any OR nurse, supply tech or physician, and they will tell you there are literally tons of waste here. Take an opportunity to assess everything from surgical trays to anesthetic gases, and find savings in waste, cost reduction, re-use and renewables. The OR is a hospital’s key profit center. There are additional savings to be made, so increase your OR’s profitability by being green!


  • Turn up the temperature in the OR when it’s not in use, by integrating data from your EMR system.

  • It may be possible to safely reduce air circulation in the OR. Review research in this area with your OR leaders and physicians.

  • Surgical kit preference cards are often outdated. Are you bringing in supplies that are not used anymore, but still must be thrown away?

  • Supply chain and nursing teams can assess waste practices, to reduce items that are burned upon disposal, and identify renewable alternatives.

  • Is the OR team sterilizing and reusing every piece of surgical equipment possible? Is there an opportunity to reduce “one-time use” equipment?

  • Desflurane is a heavily polluting anesthesia gas that remains in the atmosphere. Many hospitals are eliminating desflurane from their formularies — and saving money by doing it.

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