Energy Resiliency

Hospitals have already proven they’re resilient, by weathering the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. Similarly, there’s an opportunity to build energy resilience, by revamping your electricity purchasing strategy. Given the current and future demand for data centers and AI, electricity supply will be funded by increased rates. By getting into the details, you can find savings and lock in long-term fixed prices with 100% renewable energy.


  • Utility expenses are often managed annually, by taking last year’s budget and adding inflation.

  • Instead, negotiate and lock in long-term savings.

  • Your hospital is likely a top customer for your local utility company. Take full advantage of this leverage.

  • Engage your electricity supplier aggressively and strategically on pricing.

  • Ask about incentive programs and rebates for renewable energy.

  • Explore customer rewards and support for energy efficiency, too.

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